Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Saturday, 11 August 2012
The morally bankrupt president. Obama!
May 12, 2012NewsWithViews.com
May 12, 2012NewsWithViews.com
Warning: Explicit
Obama/Soetoro/Dunham is a champion
of infanticide - the killing of infants. While serving in the Illinois State
Senate, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, voted three times to allow infants who
survive abortion must be left to lay there and die.
Yes, he did
vote against the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Click here to see the bills and his comments supporting
Would you
stand there and allow a living, breathing infant to die if you were a doctor or
nurse? How could anyone, doctor, nurse or just plain human stand by and allow an
infant who has survived the horror of abortion - just let them die without
trying to save that precious life? Soetoro did because his soul died a long time
ago. And, how did Barry justify it?
"Listen to audio from Obama’s 2002 IL Senate floor debate
wherein he argued that while babies might be aborted alive, it would be a
“burden” to a mother's “original decision” to assess and treat them." In other
words, the mother wished to kill the infant, so be it.
54% of
"Catholics" voted for Soetoro in 2008. They voted to elect an individual who
denied three times the right of a living, breathing infant born of madness the
right to live.
Say, I wonder
if those "Catholics" got the hope and change they voted into office even though
they had no right to vote for an ineligible candidate? God will ask them
On May 9,
2012, the usurper camped out in the White House "made history" by once again
spitting in God's face. He endorsed the legal fiction called "same sex
marriage." Oh, boy, the headlines have been burning up the Internet:
Drudge Report
- just a sampling, May 10, 2012:
FLASHBACK 2009: Cheney endorses gay marriage...
WASHPOST: 'Wink and a nod' no longer enough...
Germany hails 'courageous' decision...
REPORTER: 'I'm getting chills again'...
ELLEN: Obama 'brave' for evolving...
Raises $1 million in 90 minutes...
FLASHBACK 2009: Cheney endorses gay marriage...
WASHPOST: 'Wink and a nod' no longer enough...
Germany hails 'courageous' decision...
REPORTER: 'I'm getting chills again'...
ELLEN: Obama 'brave' for evolving...
Raises $1 million in 90 minutes...
In December
2010, I wrote a column titled, The Queering
of Our Military and God's Wrath. Of course, it drew vile, filthy emails
damning me to Hell and death threats for bringing out the medical facts about
sexual deviants, their terrible diseases and recurring health
Stop calling
sexual deviants "gays". There is nothing gay about bowel movement sex, males
wearing diapers by the time they're 40 (if they live that long) or dying of
AIDS. If you play the word games of your enemy, you play right into their
hands. Men who engage in sodomy (sex in each other's rectums and feces) are
deviants choose their immoral and dangerous sexual habits. Despite the massive
propaganda eaten up by the "tolerant" out there, the so-called "gay" gene is a
"With the
above in mind, consider our society's future in light of D. Minkowitz's December
29, 1992 editorial in the national gay magazine, The Advocate:
"I am
increasingly impatient with the old chestnut that our movement for public
acceptance has not increased and will not increase the number of gay men and
lesbians in existence. "There are more of us than there used to be," historian
John D'Elmilio has written. Firmly believing this, I wanted to... argue the
morality of teaching kids that gay is OK even if it means that some will join
our ranks...."
"Indeed. Youth
are often attracted to excitement and rebellion. The gay movement is
also argued that the 'born gay' claim is nothing more than a smokescreen: "most
of the line about homosex[uality] being one's nature, not a choice, was
articulated as a response to brutal repression.... 'We didn't choose this, so
don't punish us for it!' One hundred years later, it's time for us to abandon
this defensive posture and walk upright on the earth. Maybe you didn't choose to
be gay - that's fine. But I did."
Just like
former WNBA star Sheryl Swoopes a few years ago. Ms. Swoopes was previously
married to her high school sweetheart; they had a son. In an interview following
her "coming out." This was the exchange:
"You have said that you don't believe you were born gay, which, as you said, may
confuse many people. How do you believe you came to be gay?"
SW: "I think
there are a lot of people -- gays and lesbians -- who believe you are born that
way. I think there also a lot of people who believe it's a choice. And, for me,
I believe it was a choice. I was at a point in my life where I had gone through
a divorce and was not in a relationship, and the choice I made happened to be
that I fell in love with another woman. It might confuse some people, and some
people may not understand that, but I think in life, no matter what it is that
you're doing, you always have a choice and you make that choice and you have to
live with that choice. And it just happened that, you know, my partner and I
were really, really good friends, and the more we hung out, the more we did
stuff together, my feelings grew stronger and stronger for her, and it got to a
point to where I said, "I can't fight this any more."
How you "came
to be gay?" I thought you were born that way. Ms. Swoopes made the choice of
embracing sin because she wants to, not because she was born that way. Is she
really a lesbian or a product of years of propaganda shoved down her throat in
massive doses by the media and special interest groups? How about men and women
in prisons who have turned queer? I watched a cable program where the female
prisoners said they turned to other female prisoners for sex because of
loneliness. The male prisoners did it with each other just for the sex, not
because they were born that way. I guess they're not "real" lesbians and
While this is
a profound moral issue rotting our nation from the inside out, it's also about
science. There isn't a scintilla of scientific evidence to prove any human is
"born that way." It's all been debunked. The propaganda war regarding sexual
deviants and same sex marriage should be focused on one thing: science. Not
tolerance. Not acceptance. Not politically correct. Science. This is the one
thing advocates and sexual deviants refuse to discuss because they cannot win
the argument.
You can't
simply decide one day to change your race to another race. We are all the way
God made us. Sodomites and lesbians leave their destructive, preferred sexual
preferences all the time. Actress Anne Heche used to have sex with Ellen
DeGeneres. Ms. Heche then went on to marry a man, have a child. Unfortunately,
she divorced. However, she now lives with a man, not a female. Was she a fake
As Coach
Dave Daubenmire pointed out in his recent column: "Americans are not
permitted to “marry” anyone we want. I can't marry my son. I can't marry my
daughter. If marriage is a “civil right” why are their any restraints on it?
Homosexual-sodomy based marriages are special rights…not civil
rights…affirmative sin. It is the morality, stupid. Most folks vote the economy,
but the economy is a moral issue. Governments lie, steal, cheat, and covet. An
amoral government will produce amoral laws. Amoral governments force moral
people to follow immoral laws."
The U.S.
government, the U.S. military, hundreds of members of the morally bankrupt U.S.
Congress, too many state legislators and the government indoctrination centers
they call schools, are now the biggest advocates of spreading AIDS and the
"lavender diseases" which plague sodomites.
government and public schools are the biggest advocates in the world pushing to
brain wash young boys into believing they are born to have sex in another man's
rectum. Little girls being force fed it's normal for "two mommies" to slobber in
each other's vaginas and suck on their mammary glands like infants. (Don't
forget their "male" sex toys.)
Public schools
and major college campuses across the country have been washing the minds of
school children for decades to embrace sexual deviancy as normal and healthy.
They are nothing more than incubators for churning out dumbed down, compliant
cattle. This country is drowning in politically correct madness.
Now, the
impostor president called Obama has jumped on the garbage truck to endorse such
filth and sin. Just in time to scoop up the big bucks:
Obama and his aides claim they're just not sure how his endorsement of same-sex
marriage will play politically. But his campaign is pushing awfully hard to make
sure it plays well.
"The campaign,
within hours of Obama's interview in which he declared for the first time his
support for gay marriage, blasted out a fundraising email to supporters. At dawn
on Thursday, the campaign released a web video highlighting the president's
new-found stance and lambasting likely GOP opponent Mitt Romney's opposition to
gay marriage.
"Now the
president is preparing to head to a sold-out fundraiser Thursday evening at
George Clooney's home in Los Angeles -- where he is sure to be embraced by
well-heeled celebrity donors.
"Hollywood is
home to some of the most high-profile backers of gay marriage and the 150 donors
who are paying $40,000 to attend Clooney's dinner Thursday night will no doubt
feel newly invigorated by Obama's watershed announcement the day before.
"Overall, the
dinner is expected to raise close to $15 million -- about $6 million from the
guests and the rest from a campaign contest for small-dollar donors, the winners
of which get to participate in the dinner. It is an unprecedented amount for a
single event. And it means that in one single evening the Obama camp and the
Democratic Party will collect more than Romney has amassed in his best single
month of fundraising."
Let me again
quote the late, great, magnificent writer, Taylor Caldwell, from her book, Dear
and Glorious Physician: The Story of St. Luke, writing about the fall of the
Roman Empire:
Tiberius, the
Caesar of the time, responded to this attack:
"I am a
soldier. I am surrounded by sycophants and liars, and in that Diodorus speaks
truth. What is lavish and uncomprehending praise given out of self-seeking and
"What is
flattery if lips that speak it only fawn, and in that fawning profit? The dull
ear is servant to a duller tongue. As a I solider I prefer men of simple truth
and without complexities who speak in honor and of patriotism. But where are men
today in Rome?"....
"Let me tell
you this," said Tiberius, quietly. "Venal Caesars, power-mad Caesars, never
seize power, never destroy law and their country. Their power is forced on them
by an evil and despicable people, a selfish and cowardly people. Where are the
guardians of the people's liberty then? You are silent, you are slaves in
spirit, you are thieves and cowards. But a people deserve their
"Rome!" he
said. "Do I recognize this Rome of polyglot slaves, of Scythians, Britons,
Gauls, barbarians, Greeks, Assyrians, Egyptians, and the scum of a whole world?
Where are the Romans? They have lost their identity. They have lost their
tongues, their minds, their souls, their virility. What have I to do with such a
Rome? I am not an honorable man! I am what my people have made me. I am their
captive, not their Emperor. Here is no escaping the evil of a debased
"I am here
only to do the filthy will of a nation obstinately determined to commit suicide.
If I break the law and the Constitution in their greedy behalf, they applaud me.
If I have given up my hope of restoring the Treasury, they praise me for having
their welfare at heart. Their welfare! Dogs and jackals!"
Despite all
the howling denying Soetoro is a socialist, in fact, he is a communist. He was
groomed to become one in Hawaii at an early age. He then spent 20 years in
"church" under the tutelage of the infamous Rev. Wright learning "Black
Liberation Theology". A toxic doctrine:
Liberation theologians James Cone and Cornel West have worked diligently to
embed Marxist thought into the black church since the 1970s. For Cone, Marxism
best addressed remedies to the condition of blacks as victims of white
oppression. In For My People, Cone explains that "the Christian faith does not
possess in its nature the means for analyzing the structure of capitalism.
Marxism as a tool of social analysis can disclose the gap between appearance and
reality, and thereby help Christians to see how things really are."
"In God of the
Oppressed, Cone said that Marx's chief contribution is "his disclosure of the
ideological character of bourgeois thought, indicating the connections between
the 'ruling material force of society' and the 'ruling intellectual' force."
Marx's thought is useful and attractive to Cone because it allows black
theologians to critique racism in America on the basis of power and
"For Cone,
integrating Marx into black theology helps theologians see just how much social
perceptions determine theological questions and conclusions. Moreover, these
questions and answers are "largely a reflection of the material condition of a
given society."
Soetoro claims
he "evolved" into his position supporting the myth called marriage between
sexual deviants. Big cash is what caused his "evolution". But, spitting in God's
face and repudiating Christ will someday make all that cash meaningless in
I will never
recognize marriage between sexual deviants and neither should any church in this
country that preaches the word of God. Nor should any business owner who finds
sexual deviants offensive. If you are threatened with a lawsuit, argue science
because it is the truth that debunks the myth of "born that way". Just because
politicians pass some immoral law, doesn't mean I have to swim in the sewer with
them. This has NOTHING to do with civil rights. This is about seducing
the American people into their own destruction:
Communists planned to create not only a new way of life, but new human beings.
They sought to achieve not only the reconstruction of social and cultural
institutions, but reconstruction of human beings. Communist totalitarianism has
undergone tremendous growth over the past century only because it has “the
support of a man of a new social and psychological type”—the “new communitarian
(Communist) man.”...."In his book, Soviet Civilization, Andrei Sinyavsky states
that the “idea of the new man is the cornerstone of Soviet civilization.” The
“new man” is in fact the indispensable, fundamental basis of all totalitarian
societies. Totalitarianism requires the support, approval, and fearful
veneration of the masses; if the “new men and women” had not been created,
totalitarianism would not exist today. The Communists planned to create not only
a new way of life, but new human beings. They sought to achieve not only the
reconstruction of social and cultural institutions, but reconstruction of human
beings. Communist totalitarianism has undergone tremendous growth over the past
century only because it has “the support of a man of a new social and
psychological type”—the “new communitarian (Communist) man.”
The relatively
new mantra chanted by sexual deviants and their supporters is "social justice".
That is nothing but more communist propaganda. It bears repeating:
Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35, January 10, 1963, Current Communist Goals, U.S.
House of Representatives
25. Break down
cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books,
magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
The American
people, out of fear in being called intolerant, have walked right into the jaws
of the beast. This nation has forsaken all that God has bestowed upon our land
in favor of moral rot passed off as "progressive", "social" and other words
meant to persuade individuals to turn their backs on what they know in their
hearts Almighty God has told them is wrong. The created now think they are more
powerful than the Creator. A big mistake.
Watch this
video (less than 10 minutes). You will see through modern technology an
unborn baby developing a heart at 25 days. At 32 days, that
living, breathing baby is developing arms and legs. LOOK and see the
truth. From conception to birth. Abortion IS murder.
Silent No
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Causes More Breast Cancers by Funding Planned Parenthood, Denying Abortion-Breast Cancer Link and Downplaying Pill-Breast Cancer Link, Charges the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Causes More Breast Cancers by Funding Planned Parenthood, Denying Abortion-Breast Cancer Link and Downplaying Pill-Breast Cancer Link, Charges the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
Devvy Kidd
authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; 2 million
copies sold. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the
Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy
isn't left, right or in the middle; she is a constitutionalist who believes in
the supreme law of the land, not some political party.
regularly posted new columns are on her site at: www.devvy.com. You can also sign up for her free email
E-mail is:
why catholics are wrong and going to the lake.
It's alittle interactive thing made by Dan Corner.
once saved always saved is heresy
OSAS is false doctrine please don't fall for it, you must leave your pastor and the church if he is preaching this mess.
I stand by Chick not just because of free speech or because I too believe in the traditional view of Marriage but because I do not think a person, company, employee or anyone else should be persecuted for merely speaking an opinion, Chick does not descriminate against any one wishing to open a franchise neither do they turn down customers who are gay, the man who owns the entire business has every right to say words without fear of persecution.
It just goes to show when it comes to gay issues it seems as if its a "do as I say not as I do" scenario they're always banging on about "homophobia, hate bigorty and intolerance" but once againce again they refuse to show the same level of compassion to the people they don't like. Y'know Chick has never gone after, chased, hunted down nor beaten , intimidated nor threatened Homosexuals but I can't say the same thing for Gay "marriage" supporters can I.
I have never been to Chick before, I've no personal or emotional attachment to the establishment but for the reason I stated above I support Chick-Fill-A.
I stand by Chick not just because of free speech or because I too believe in the traditional view of Marriage but because I do not think a person, company, employee or anyone else should be persecuted for merely speaking an opinion, Chick does not descriminate against any one wishing to open a franchise neither do they turn down customers who are gay, the man who owns the entire business has every right to say words without fear of persecution.
It just goes to show when it comes to gay issues it seems as if its a "do as I say not as I do" scenario they're always banging on about "homophobia, hate bigorty and intolerance" but once againce again they refuse to show the same level of compassion to the people they don't like. Y'know Chick has never gone after, chased, hunted down nor beaten , intimidated nor threatened Homosexuals but I can't say the same thing for Gay "marriage" supporters can I.
I have never been to Chick before, I've no personal or emotional attachment to the establishment but for the reason I stated above I support Chick-Fill-A.
Truths for new converts
Vital Truths For New Converts
Or New Christians
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The Radical Change into a New Creation

Or New Christians
Dan Corner
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The Radical Change into a New Creation