You've heard it said that obedience to God's Word is better
than sacrifice. His Word does not return to Him void but accomplishes what He
intended. By obedience we partake of His Spirit and Life. Disobedience to God's
Word is sin or separation and death. Our own or the death of an innocent
substitute. Sacrifice.
When God sent Moses to conquer Canaan Land He inspired
him to call obedience to the Words of our first Scripture. Deuteronomy 7:1-4,
"When the LORD brings you into the Promised Land, He'll cast out the
following seven nations; all greater and mightier than you are: the Hittites,
and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and
the Hivites, and the Jebusites. And when the LORD God delivers them to you; you
shall smite and utterly destroy them; you shall make no covenant nor show mercy
to them: Neither shall you intermarry with them nor let your sons and daughter
marry their sons and daughters for they will turn away your sons from following
me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you,
to destroy you suddenly".
The natural man might think, "How unfair and
unreasonable of God to order the destruction of these innocent
people". They haven't a chance. What wrong have they done. They
forget that God is a God of His Word, and not only is He fair or "just", but
He's holy and He's sovereign. By their very existence, these people are an
affront to God's holiness and are not His creation, but the hybrid offspring of
the unrighteous union between Eve and the Serpent.
In Deuteronomy 28:1. Moses said, "If you fully
obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe and to do all His commandments
which I command you this day, that the LORD your God will raise you high above
all the nations of the earth". But we know from history and the Bible
that Israel disobeyed this command of the Lord. God put
enmity between these people who have no place on the Book
of Life, and the sons of Adam (Genesis 3:15). Here's what happened because
Israel spared these Serpent seed people who and are the enemies of God and the
whole human race (Malachi 1:4):-
Deuteronomy 28:43-44, "The stranger that is
within you (temporary inhabitant or "ger" who lacks inherited
rights) shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. He
shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him: he shall be the head, and you
shalt be the tail".
Who was this "stranger within
Israel"? It was the
descendants of his reprobate brother, Esau, who married Serpent seed women.
We're not just studying ancient history. This is the state of the world right
now. Who has "inherited rights" to the Land of Israel? Only
the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Right? But who heads the restored
State of Israel? "Strangers"! Edomites.
Today there's a kind of apartheid in Israel whereby the
Ashkenazim self-styled Jews have an advantage over genuine Hebrews. They have
preeminence in housing, in employment and in education. If I'm not mistaken, it
was Ashkenazim historian Arthur Koestler who was persecuted to the extent of a
police officer putting the barrel of his pistol into his mouth because he'd
married an blood Israelite.
Because the Israelites did not destroy God's enemies, and
remain a separated people, since their return from Babylonian Captivity, they
have been the tail, and Edom has been the head in Israel. Likewise the once
Christian nations of the world didn't remain separated to God and His Word, but
allowed these people into our lands, into the business and political life of
their communities, even into our churches and Bible schools.
It wasn't always this way. These people were at some time
expelled from Britain and all the kingdoms of Europe
because of their evil. There was a time when their identity was known and
Christians did not associate with them. Over time these people have assumed the
identity of English, Polish, Dutch, Germans, Russians, Hungarians, Americans and
Australians, (as they've assumed the identity of the Israelites), because we
haven't separated nominal Christians from our midst. We've failed to honor the
admonition of Acts 17:11 and prove everything the preacher says. Therefore we've
been dumbed-down by false preachers who teach us that "Jews are Israelites".
The church, institutions of learning, courts, and the
bureaucracy, have all been infiltrated and influenced by these people who have
introduced a new paradigm, as they did in Israel, where they wrote the Talmud
which instituted rules and rituals abhorrent to the Torah. It condones
pederasty, homosexuality, adultery, blasphemy, murder, rape, lying, deceit and
stealing on non-Jews and Gentiles.
Where do you think the inspiration comes for filthy
music, songs, entertainment and movies, that are piped into almost every home?
Where does the inspiration come from for today's crime wave? It comes from one
filthy, Satanic book of hatred called the Talmud that condones these crimes, is
opposed to the Law and Prophets and is an affront to basic human decency. It
should have been banned and burned long ago. When England and Europe held to the
Christian principles they espouse, it was.
Today all but a tiny minority of Israelites have
forsaken the Law and the prophets, to obey the Talmud. And all but a tiny minority who call upon
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ have forsaken the Bible to follow man-made
creeds, Communistic reasoning against the Word in favor of majority choice, and
the situational ethics of Humanism.
As God allowed theologians to blind the eyes of the
Hebrews at the end of the dispensation of Moses' Law, He permitted their
children to blind the Gentiles by theological reasoning against the Word. The
prophet Paul foretold, "God has concluded both Israel and the Gentiles in
unbelief" (Romans 11:32).
These things explain the continual conflict and
deep-seated hatred of the self-styled Jew against genuine Israelites, and
Christians or Spiritual Israelites. Our once Christian society was built upon
principles of Hebrew Law, justice and government, with individual rights of
property, and free enterprise (not Capitalism), local control of government and
Biblical laws and judgment the Jew never adopted. Our rights and Common Law
inherited from Britain are by law meant to be interpreted according to the
Bible. But the self-styled Jews have historically promoted the opposite
principles of democracy, socialism and communism -- all contrary to the sound
Biblical principles of liberty and self-government.
Esau's efforts to steal back Jacob's birthright are
manifested in their attempts, over 3,000 years, to exterminate Israel. They are
following in the footsteps of their father Cain, who thought that by killing his
step-brother Abel, he could usurp the birthright he never owned. But the
Edomites are mamzers, and one born of incest or adultery, certainly of Cain's
race, can never enter into the congregation of the Lord which is the election
(Deuteronomy 23:2). Menasseh Ben Israel, the Amsterdam Rabbi in Cromwell's
conspiracy introduced the idea that the British are "the Lost Ten
Tribes", which would make "Jews" their
relatives, and deserving readmittance ("Life of Menasseh Ben
Israel" by Jewish Publication Society of America, 1945; "The Inner
Government of England, Vol. 1, p. 275). The British Israel cult, a part of the
Jewish Cabala invented by John Dee, astrologer to Elizabeth I, is niavely
stealing Israel's birthright).
They'll tell you it's not etiquette to call them
Israelites! They like to be called Jews. They know they're Edomites,
Jacob/Israel's enemy. In all their authoritative works they identify themselves
as Esau, or Edom. Esau's prophet father foretold how he would have to make his
own way in the world, seeing as he'd given THUS SAITH THE LORD, his irrevocable
blessing, to Jacob, and how Esau would carve out his future by violence, and
serve Jacob. But that when he became restive, he would throw off Jacob's yoke.
And Esau hated Jacob because of the lost blessing: and
said in his heart, "The days of mourning for my father are at hand;
after his death I will slay my brother Jacob" (Genesis 27:39-41).
The first enemies to obstruct the flight of Jacob's
descendants from Egypt were the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8). Then the Edomites
refused permission for the children of Israel to pass through their land
(Numbers 20:17-20). The Edomite, Doeg, almost succeeded in killing David (I
Samuel 21-22). David's armies laid Edom waste and slew all the men able to bear
arms (II Samuel 8:14; I Kings 11:16). But Edom revolted in the days of Jehoram's
wicked reign in Judah, made themselves a king.
Bloody battles were fought between the two nations
throughout the succeeding centuries. Edom has not returned under Jacob's yoke to
this day because when John Hyrcanus conquered the whole of Edom in 109BC, he
gave them the choice between death or forced conversion to Judaism. Thenceforth
they became part of the Jewish people in the sight of man, and one hundred years
before Christ, Judah was inhabited by Edomites.
The Edomites soon became the head and the Hebrews became
the tail. The Pharisees gained the ascendancy over the Sadducees. There were
many Edomites in the population at the time of Christ.
King Herod who was an Edomite, and head over Judea at the
birth of Jesus, had all the male infants of Bethlehem slain in an effort to
destroy Israel's Messiah and future King. Israel's high priesthood was corrupt
and the Sanhedrin ruled by Pharisaism which we know as Talmudic Judaism today.
Both Edomites and Israelites followed of the Talmud in the days of Jesus.
Matthew 23:27-36, "Woe to you, scribes and
Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whited sepulchres, which appear
beautiful without but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all
uncleanness. Likewise you appear righteous outwardly, but within you're full of
hypocrisy and iniquity.
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
because you build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the
righteous, And say, "If we'd lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have
partaken with them in the blood of the prophets".
Wherefore you witness against yourselves that you are
the children of them which killed the prophets. And you are following in their
footsteps, filling up the measure of their evil. You serpents, you offspring of
vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?
I will send you prophets, and wise men, and inspired
writers: some of whom you'll kill and crucify; and some of them you'll scourge
in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city: so that you may become
guilty of all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of
righteous Abel to the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom you slew between
the temple and the altar. "
(According to the order of the Hebrew Old Testament, II
Chronicles is the last book in the Volume. So Abel was the
first martyr and Zechariah, would have been the
last (II Chronicles 24:21).
Who killed Abel? Jesus said it was the
forefathers of these Pharisees to whom He was speaking.
Abel was slain by the Serpent seed, Cain. It was by no coincidence that Jesus
called these men a race of serpents. They were the descendants of Cain, whose
father the Serpent, seduced Eve before Adam came to her).
"Verily I say to you, All these things shall come upon
this race or genealogy".
Who killed Abel? Who is killing Adam's children today,
trying to gain a birthright they never had?
When Cain offered his sacrifice of "Good works", he laid
beautiful pumpkins, cauliflower, string beans, apples, oranges and potatoes on
the altar and God rejected his intellectual self-righteousness. But He accepted
Abel's bloody lamb because it was offered by faith which is a clear
understanding of the mind of God. By faith Abel knew it was animal blood that
caused the Fall, not V8 Juice! And innocent blood must be shed to atone. The
life is in the blood so when his mother Eve received the life of the serpent,
she stepped over God's Word and sold the whole world to death. That blood became
Cain who had the same fleshly intellectual attributes as his father and is not
in the genealogy of the human race. He's not in the genealogy of God either.
God told Cain to ask his younger prophet brother, whose
revelation was vindicated before his eyes when his sacrifice was received, to
explain the revelation. If Cain would offer Abel's revelation, God would receive
His sacrifice.
When Abel reluctantly explained the revelation, Cain saw
that he was not Adam's son, and could never merit the birthright. And because he
was not Adam's kinsman, he would never have a Redeemer. It mattered not how many
lambs Cain offered, he would always be a serpent, and not on the Book of Life.
Therefore Cain could never obey the revealed Word of God but would rely on his
own intellect.
Cain saw that were he to follow the original plan of his
vicarious father, Lucifer, who inspired the Serpent to seduce Eve, polluting the
human race with a hybrid so he could breed Adam's race off the Book of Life and
off the face of the earth, thereby becoming heir to this world. So Cain killed
the heir, assumed the birthright and began breeding . . . and interbreeding. To
modern-day sinners this is euphemistically called "multiculturalism".
Esau/Edom has done and is doing this to assume the
birthright of Jacob/Israel in the natural. The Roman Catholic church is doing it
to the so called Protestants in the Spiritual? When their sons and daughters
marry your children, the offspring have to be raised up in the Catholic church.
The Bible foretold these intellectual tricks of the enemy (Matthew 24:37-41
Daniel 2:40-45).
So what was Jesus saying to this bunch of Pharisees in
Matthew 23? He was telling them to their face they were Jews -- NOT Israelites.
They were not descended from Abraham, Isaac AND Jacob, but were a race of
Serpent seed whose fathers killed Abel. Who killed Abel?
The discourse between Jesus and the Pharisees in John
chapter 8 is interesting. John 8:31-48, "Jesus to those Jews which
believed on Him, 'If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed; And
you shall understand the hidden mysteries and the revelation shall free you from
the dominion of unbelief (sin)' (Genesis 4:7). They
answered, 'We're Abraham's seed. He was the father of faith. We were never in
Spiritual bondage to any man-made religion: how can you say, "You shall be set
at liberty from the bondage of sin"?'
Jesus answered them, 'Truly, whosoever wanders from
the true path of righteousness is the servant of sin. And the servant abides not
in the house for ever: but the Son abides ever'."
(Let's pause here, because this is interesting. We know
by the law of reproduction that all Adam's children are sons of God (Genesis
1:11). But if a son did not prove himself worthy, he would not be recognized and
placed by his father as a his heir, and could lose his natural birthright. We
see this in the Church where not all of the congregation are placed sons of
Adam, or born-again Sons of God, but some are foolish virgin, whilst others will
be lost.
Esau was Jacob's son, but he married forbidden women and
despised the birthright, selling it to Jacob, who obtained the blessing as well.
When he begged his prophet father for a secondary blessing, the Lord said,
"you shall serve your brother".
Esau was the heir but became a servant of sin. And
because he took Serpent seed women to wife, his heirs no longer abide in the
House as God's Covenant is to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel.
This happened to natural Israel when they rejected their
Messiah, Lord Jesus Christ. Paul wrote in Romans 9:2-6, "My heart is
heavy and in continual sorrow. For I could wish myself accursed from Christ if
it would save my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are
Israelites; to whom pertains the adoption (recognition or placing),
and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the
service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as
concerning the flesh Christ came, who now rules over all things, God blessed for
ever. Amen.
But it's not as though the Word of God has taken none
effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel".
Jesus is here confronting such a group in these Pharisees
who, like Esau, were born into the household of faithful Abraham but without the
faith of Abraham won't abide in the House of Israel forever).
John 8:36, "If the Son therefore shall deliver
you from the dominance of sin (unbelief), you shall be completely liberated
forever. I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill Me, because My
Word has no place in you. I speak that which I have discerned from with My
Father: and you do what you have understood from your father.
They answered and said, "Abraham is our father".
Jesus replied, "If you were Abraham's children, you'd
do the works of Abraham. But instead you're trying to kill Me, and just because
I've told you the truth I have heard of God. Abraham wouldn't have done anything
like that". (They sure have the nature of Cain).
"You do the deeds of your father".
(Jesus doesn't deny they are Abraham's seed. More likely
than not many of them are Abraham's seed -- but through Isaac and Esau, not
Jacob, who is Israel. Whilst those who are physically of Israel, lack the faith
of Abraham.
We can confirm this in Genesis 21:13. God calls Ishmael
"Abraham's seed", but
he is
not called Abraham's child, for in Genesis 22:2, 12 and 16-18 God calls
Abraham's other son Isaac "thine
only son" and says that the
Birthright will pass only through the godly line of Isaac. This proves Mohammed
is not a prophet of God because he disputes the Word of the previously
vindicated prophet, Abraham.
God said in Genesis 22:17-18, "In blessing I
will bless you, and in multiplying (through Isaac) I will
multiply your seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the
sea shore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in your
seed (that's Christ through Isaac, not Mohammed through Ishmael)
shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because you have obeyed
My voice".
God had previously prophesied the future of Ishmael's
descendants in Genesis 16:12, "Ishmael will be a wild man; his hand
will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell
to the East of all his brethren (Israel)". (As a matter of interest
Ishmael and Isaac were the first persons God named before their births).
Whilst Ishmael and Esau were the "seed of
Abraham", the son of the bondswoman was rejected and God called Isaac
Abraham's "only son". Nowhere are the children of Ishmael
or Esau called "the children of Abraham". When Esau was yet
in the womb, God said, "Esau have I hated (or detested)"
(Malachi 1:3; Romans 9:13).
Jesus was telling these Pharisees that they were rejected
of God. And though they claimed to be of Abraham's natural seed, He wasn't going
to debate genealogies because, being without faith, they were spiritual Serpent
Jesus let their claim to be "Abraham's
seed" through to the wicket keeper. Then He told them they had the
nature of Cain who killed his brother when Abel told the same truth; that a tree
is known by its fruits, and that their deeds identified them with their father
Cain, not their father Abraham.
This was the harvest time for the first-fruits of them
that slept. The seeds were maturing, manifesting what had been planted in the
garden of Eden. These Pharisees were familiar with the true story of the
original sin that caused the Fall, and they knew that among their number is
Esau/Edom who are Serpent's seed and not of Adam's race. The Word is becoming
too sharp as Jesus parries and thrusts. So rather than risk division by Bible
Truth, they compromise God's unchanging Word to preserve the unity of their
And though Adam was a Son of God and we are
"Adam's seed", unless we are born-again by Jesus Christ, we
are not recognized of placed Sons of God and joint heirs with Jesus in the
Kingdom of God (I John 3:1-12).
Reading on, they acknowledge they too believe what Jesus
is saying about the original sin being adultery between Eve and the serpent. And
know He is identifying them as his offspring, which they deny, and quickly
switch the topic to spiritual Serpent's seed which is denominationalism, or
mixing human reasoning with God's Word).
John 8:41, "Then said they to him, 'We be not
born of fornication; we have one Father, even God'.
(Since the Roman Catholic church caused the faith to be
lost when they killed the saints who held It in their hearts, denominational
ministers must have pondered this strange reply for centuries. Now why are these
guys suddenly discussing fornication?
Jesus leaves the subject of their
physical lineage and answers the question of their
Spiritual ancestry).
Jesus told them, "If God were your Father, you'd love
me: for I came from God and was sent by God. You don't comprehend My Words
because you're prevented from receiving what I'm saying.
You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of
your father you will do. He was a man-slayer from the beginning (because he
tried to kill the whole human race), and abode not in the truth, because there
is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks naturally: for he is a liar, and the
father of lies.
And because I tell you the truth, you believe Me not.
Who among you can convict Me of sin? Then if I speak truth, why don't you
believe Me? He that is of God hears God's Words: you therefore hear them not,
proving you are not of God".
(Now it's really getting hot in the kitchen! Jesus just
turned up the heat, because if God were their father they would love their
Brother, Jesus, and receive His Words. The only conclusion to draw is that their
father is not God, so he has to be the Devil who was the vicarious father of
Cain who slew his brother. Their desire to kill Jesus displays their father's
craving for the forbidden, and their deceitful form of debate identifies them
with Lucifer. Well are their elite called "Illuminati".)
"Then answered the Jews, 'Aren't we correct when we
say You're a Samaritan, and have a demon'?"
These men were Jews, not
because they were Israelites or Hebrews, or
because they followed the Law, but because they dwelt in Judea, or Idumea as it
was known, because most of the population were Idumeans or Edomites.
These Pharisees, not daring to challenge Jesus with the
Scripture, determined to denigrate His own natural and Spiritual lineage by
calling Jesus a demon-possessed Samaritan. Read the filthy slander about Jesus
in the Talmud. It might be considered "anti-Semitic" and a
A Samaritan, strictly speaking, would be an inhabitant of
the city of Samaria, but in Jesus' time the term applied to all residents of the
Northern kingdom.
After the final captivity of Israel in 721BC by
Shalmanesar, the cities of Samaria were wholly depopulated. They remained in
this state until, in the Words of II Kings 17:24, "the king of Assyria
brought men from Babylon, Cuthah and Ava (in Assyria),
Hamath, and Sepharvaim (in Syria), and placed
them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they
possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof." These new
Samaritans were Assyrians by birth or subjugation and were idolaters.
This kindled God's displeasure, and they were annoyed by
beasts of prey which had increased while the land was uninhabited. The king of
Assyria dispatched one of the captive priests to teach them "how they
should fear the Lord". Henceforth, they feared the Lord but also
worshipped their idols.
When Judah returned from their Captivity, the Samaritans
desired to help rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. On their being refused, they
became enemies, and frustrated the operations of the Jews through the reign of
two Persian kings, until silenced by Darius Hystaspes in 519BC.
The feud grew more intense each year until 409BC, when
Manasseh, a man of priestly lineage, being expelled from Jerusalem by Nehemiah
for an unlawful marriage, obtained permission from the Persian king of his day,
Darius Nothus, to build a temple on Mount Gerizim for the Samaritans with whom
he'd found refuge. The animosity of the Samaritans became more intense than
ever, and they did all in their power to annoy the Jews.
They considered their own temple on Mount Gerizim
superior to that at Jerusalem. They sacrificed a Passover, and wherever they
were, they directed their worship toward the mountain, even long after its
temple had fallen (John 4:20-21).
So the Samaritans in Jesus's day were a people distinct
from the Jews. Though living in their midst, they preserved their national
identity, worshipped from Shechem, their impoverished settlements toward their
sacred hill, still retained their peculiar religion, and would not coalesce with
the Jews.
The Jews reciprocated in their contempt for the
Samaritans. Other Jewish renegades from time to time took refuge with the
Samaritans who by degrees claimed Hebrew blood. A claim not admitted by the
That's just a little historical background which explains
what the Jews were implying in their insult. If the religious impersonators
insulted our Lord to His face before they would expose the sins of their fellows
and separate from those who were not of God. Won't their children despise His
disciples in this day?
As far as possible live in peace with all men, but be
separated to God and His Word. Don't seek to befriend those whom God has set at
enmity against you.
One Scripture in closing. Revelation 18:24, "In
her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all who were slain
upon the earth". This is Rome and her once Protestant harlot
daughters who will rule this world until the consummation (Revelation 17:6).
They want you to unite with them against the Word like the Hebrews united with
the Edomites against the Word. They say we can all be called "Christians",
whatever you believe, like the Edomites and the Hebrews of today are all called
Like Isaiah 4:1 said, "In that day seven women
shall take hold of one Man, saying, 'We will eat our own bread, and wear our own
apparel: only let us be called by your Name, to take away our
Now I ask you, are these comments my personal
impressions? Or are they the unchanging Word of God's holy prophets and apostles
from Genesis to Revelation, even the Talmud, and supported by the most eminent
scholars of Jewry? bb980923.htm
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