The breaking news of Sir James ‘Jimmy’ Wilson Vincent Savile, OBE, KCSG an English disc jockey, television presenter, media personality and charity fundraiser exposed as a paedophile child molester ‘apparently’ sent shock waves through the so called ‘British’ Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). However, once the word was out the story seems to be evolving. Scotland Yard is leading the current investigation into accusations of abuse by the deceased former BBC DJ and presenter Savile, which was around 300 victims but has risen by 150 only recently. This is startlingly familiar to earlier British police investigations in the 1990’s. For example operation Ore was an investigation officially began in 1999 using information received from US law enforcement. It was intended to prosecute thousands of users of a website reportedly featuring child pornography although British police already had a project in operation named
Arundel which blended into operation Ore and later extended to operation Radium. Arundel was a clean-up of the pop music scene and investigated allegations of sexual exploitation of teenagers. In almost every case it was boys at teen discos and later from care homes.
Chris Denning,
Joe Meek,
Allan “fluff” Freeman,
Jonathan King,
Jimmy Savile,
Brian Epstein and other heterophobes were complicit in enticing boys to parties where they were given drinks and drugs then molested. It is also known that high profile Jewish record companies provided such sex parties for these well-known DJ’s, known as payola.
Janie Jones, a singer who ran the sex parties at her home in Kensington, was jailed for three years in 1974. On her release in 1977 she met up with Savile

who, according to Jones, was a keen supporter of
Ian Brady, Myra Hindley’s accomplice in the Moors murders. Jones claimed that Savile was “bragging that he had met Ian Brady.” She herself supported Hindley.
Chris Denning, radio 1 DJ and Beatles producer, spent 5 years in jail for child-sex offences, Homosexual Joe Meek, already found guilty of ‘persistently importuning for an immoral purpose’ in November 1963 for ‘cottaging’ – picking up boys for sex in public lavatories, was questioned by police about the so called “Suitcase Murder”. This was a particularly gruesome crime. On 16 January, the dismembered remains of 17-year-old Bernie Oliver was discovered in two suitcases in a field in Tattingstone, Suffolk.
This lead to police 
uncovering a large-scale juvenile pimping operation centred on a house in Tattingstone owned by the
notorious Jewish gangster Ronnie Kray. Meek was obsessed with dead bodies and was often to be found fiddling with graves. When asked he claimed to be recording voices from beyond the grave.
Alan “fluff” Freeman, a known homosexual revealed on breakfast television in March 1994 that he had become celibate in 1981, but had flirted with bisexuality. Jonathan King also has a conviction for child sex offences.
Sex with young boys earned him a seven-year sentence. In March 1999, Ray Teret, Jimmy Savile’s Chauffeur then 57, was
jailed for six months for seducing and bedding a schoolgirl. Also in 1980 Jimmy’s older brother
John Henry was fired from his job at a London psychiatric hospital for sexually assaulting a female patient. Brian Epstein was conscripted to the army at 18, but was discharged after 10 months for being emotionally and mentally unfit. In his autobiography A Cellarful Of Noise, published in October 1964, Epstein claimed he was caught impersonating an officer. The hidden truth was that he had asked a tailor to make an officer’s uniform, which he wore while cruising the bars of London. He was arrested by the military police, but avoided a court martial by agreeing to see an army psychiatrist who uncovered Epstein’s homosexuality. Epstein also moved in the same circles as Joe Orton, writer of Entertaining Mr Sloan.
A raving homosexual, Orton was murdered by his live-in boyfriend-a pervert who bludgeoned him to death with a hammer in his own bedsit by all accounts. Epstein knew both and Kenneth Williams also knew Orton well.
John Peel was also implicated in the diary of a child suicide that listed her famous DJ abusers.
Operation Ore ended rather abruptly in 2003. The official line was lax investigation practices leading to questionable arrests. Yet even here Savile was one of a number of high profile suspects. Now with the revelations exposed by the current Savile affaire was Ore really dropped due to police incompetence or because the corruption exposed went to high up.
It is known that police discovered links between ‘British’ governmental paedophile suspects and the trafficking of children for purposes of prostitution from Belgium and Portugal during operation Radium Naturally it was not pursued as the
suspects were to prominent. This reeks of government conspiracy and while in office Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair did slap a
D-notice on the circumstances surrounding the real closure of

Operation Ore. Victims of
Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe were also found within 200 yards of Savile’s home and at the time of this investigation
castes of Savile’s teeth were taken. Police

clearly knew of a ‘relationship’ between Sutcliffe and Savile. One of Savile’s abuse victims even urged police to investigate links between Sutcliffe and Savile further saying “Sutcliffe and Savile are two peas in a pod. It’s quite fitting the only person to stick up for Savile is Sutcliffe.” The inference clearly has a homosexual overtone and Sutcliffe even named Savile as his partner in police interviews. With obvious links to one known serial killer and a fascination with a serial child murder, it is very interesting to note that
visited Haut de la Garenne Children’s Home in 1972. This

is the site of sickening abuse and child murder. Pictures of Savile at the children’s home exist when the murders supposedly took place. With reports of

abuse at Bryn Estyn Children’s Home in Wales Detective chief Constable Bill Brerton in Wrexham is also

calling for an inquiry into freemasonry following local links. While Savile has never been accused of murder it has now come to light that the DJ had a penchant for dead bodies.
The homosexual DJ Paul Gambaccini, Saviles close friend for 7 years, claimed a reporter was heard talking at a wedding 10 years ago about Savile being a necrophiliac. Savile was apparently sexually attracted to corpses and in an interview in

1990 he admitted taking pleasure in escorting the deceased to Stoke Mandeville Hospital mortuary. Gambaccini also stated that Savile targeted the institutionalised and the hospitalised – and that this was known. This would give credence to the suggestion that Savile held the keys to patience wards at Broadmoor and used his charity work as a cover for more sinister activities.
David Cameron is following in Blair’s footsteps in his haste to protect potential ‘victims’ of a homosexual ‘witch hunt’ following the receipt of a list of celebrity paedophiles from Phillip Schofield. What is noteworthy is that Cameron instantly makes the connection between

homosexuality and paedophilia and rushes to defend before an argument has even been proposed. Of course Cameron shows no concern for the actual victims of these paedophiles. The foreign media blackout too speaks to the potential magnitude of this scandal because with its ever growing exposure in Britain alone the depth of this corruption has the potential to bring down this whole rotten Zionist Marxist establishment. No-longer does it involve paedophilia and abuse but also the murder of the most vulnerable-children. The Savile ‘abuse’ shut

down by media abroad is highly conducive of a further cover-up. Belgium has a proven Paedophile ring. Who’s to

say other countries are not involved.
Max Clifford so called ‘public relations guru’ is attempting to soften the crimes of his clients with the claim that dozens of celebrities from the 60s and 70s are “frightened to death” that they will be implicated in the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal. His angle is that these celebrities should be excused because they lived a ‘hedonistic’ lifestyle where young girls threw themselves at ‘celebrities’ but they “never asked for anybody’s birth certificate”. The truth is Clifford is acting as the establishment’s buffer in an attempt to assuage guilt from the echelons of high society. Meanwhile, ‘acting operations manager Jon Bird said witnesses claimed Savile had an “inner-circle” — some working on Top of the Pops, the long-running BBC show that helped make him a household name.’ This involved at least three members of backstage staff at Top of the Pops who used to take young girls to parties, where horrific and inappropriate things took place. These are the charges investigated by Operation Arundel. Consequently the Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has said that the BBC is “too secretive” and should publish more information about its inner workings. The statement is highly suggestive of a cover-up existing within the BBC and comes right on the back of potential further arrests following the release on bail of Gary Glitter, the former pop star convicted of child sex offences, who was
taken in for questioning on 28th October 2012. This scandal is taking place right at the heart of the same broadcasting company granted a Royal Charter to educate the British Nation. It follows that the sort of people producing programming for the public are homosexual and paedophilic. This would explain the decidedly homophilic themes embedded in particularly children’s programming. For example current programming aimed at infants is remarkably androgynous with the likes of In the
Night Garden and
Teletubbies although here again allegations have been made that the Teletubbie character
Tinky Winky is meant to be homosexual. For older children see the storylines of the CBBC TV series
Byker Grove. From here the notion of same sex relationships as ‘normal’ has been promoted across the board. A particular favourite is to insert the homosexual to present and the television is ever so ‘generous’. Initially there is the Jewish homosexual
Stephen Fry presenter of QI, Then it escalates-
Alan Carr Chatty Man,
the So Graham Norton show and
Dale Winton who regularly hosts the National Lottery ‘in it to win it’. These people are regularly in the news flaunting their strange lifestyle and lovers. BBC2’s satirical political comedy series
In the thick of it was also the centre of a child porn scandal. Is this the message that our children should be receiving. Again the responsibility lies with the BBC as it apparently “exists to serve the public interest.” Since when has it been in the public interest to encourage the end of humanity. Incidentally on the subject of Homosexuals and paedophilia Elton John was stopped and searched at an airport in 2007. A paedophilic photograph was confiscated from his person. John’s excuse was that the photograph was part of an art exhibition. The photo in question was amateurish and any real photographer would be able to point out the elementary technical mistakes but John’s name gives it ‘status’ as so called ‘art’.
The censored version of the picture is at the bottom of the page of this link. Currently John and his homosexual lover have one adopted child-a boy-the result of surrogacy.
The state is now allowing John another child one wonders if John and his ‘partner’ will be taking similar photos of their surrogate victims and calling it art. Homosexuals seize any opportunity to challenge sexual norm and the Jewish Marxist state revels in it because it furthers their aims in corrupting the masses. Harriet Harman has been very quick on the draw in calling loudly for inquiries into the Savile matter. It is likely she hopes that the noise she is making deflects any guilt from her. The psychology is terribly amateurish but also very effective. It is a common Jewish Marxist ploy and one sees it so often that the masses fail to comprehend the significance, but those who scream the loudest also tend to be guilty of exactly those things they are screaming

about. Harman was complicit in wanting the age of consent lowered and incest decriminalised. So when the Protection of Children Bill was put before Parliament in order to tighten the laws on child pornography by banning indecent images of minors Harriett Harman was at the forefront of the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) response. Signed by Harriett Harman in April 1978, the NCCL’s formal response to the Government proposals to reform sex laws dubbed a “Lolita’s Charter” was unbelievable. Harman argued that,
“…childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage”. The attitude towards children displayed

by Harman is reminiscent of the homosexual paedophile Alfred Kinsey who used paedophiles in his research during

the 1960’s. It is a clear example of the Frankfurt School agenda marching through our institutions. At this point the
Paedophile Information Exchange or
PIE had been an affiliate of the NCCL for about four years. In 1982 Harman left the NCCL to become Labour MP for Peckham and PIE went underground or so it was

thought. Harman has maintained a significant interest in paedophilia noticeably joining the party notorious for its paedophiles. In fact Labour Councillor (Southwark)
John Friary, who went on trial 31st May for grooming a minor for sex, has close links with Harman. One wonders if
PIE actually went ‘underground’ or merely undercover of the Labour Party. There is ample evidence to support the paedophilic leanings

Jewish homosexual Peter Mandelson’s brainchild New Labour, not least the prolific amount of child porn and molestation connected with this organisation.
There have even been suggestions of paedophilia surrounding Mandelson himself.
It’s New Labour that introduced explicit sex education to primary children. Not content with explicit sex in schools it seems
Labour Teaching unions are now calling for lessons in porn. If the agenda of New Labour is to promote sexual preference as a social condition that can change at will it is not much of a stretch to suggest that the BBC board contains Labour MP’s willing to push homosexuality as the medium for fluid sexuality. Naturally the danger of a ‘fluid’ sexual preference is what that preference is for and with the ever continuing revelation of the Jimmy Savile abuse case questions should be raised about this possible biosexual paedophile and possible serial killer’s access to British Society.
Savile himself was a self-confessed Zionist and prominent ‘friend of Israel’ often visiting and on the donation trail; a familiar quote was “you will never get a more Jewish Catholic than me”. Yet now that he is deceased Savile’s presence alone seems to have implicated whole swathes of the upper echelons of British society in perverted and corrupt practices. Is this mere coincidence or a well-placed Mossad operation… This would not be too outlandish for the Israeli State.
Sarkozy once worked for — and perhaps still does— Israeli intelligence as a “sayan” (Hebrew for helper) as one of thousands of Jewish citizens of countries other than Israel who cooperate with “katsas,” or Mossad case-officers. It is no great leap to suggest that Mossad have Zionist Goyim working for them, and in Britain a good place to start looking would be the Labour Party. Their agenda contains nothing of true interest to Great Britain and to healthy an interest in her corruption.

Not that the public believes everything on TV, nevertheless this article can be verified via the mainstream. This site only

deals with facts not hearsay or ‘conspiracy theory’. There are plenty of famous conspiracy black propagandists out here on the net telling halve truths. This site has even warned about some of the most dangerous. Their intention is to muddy the waters. The anti-Zionist League seeks only to expose the truth.
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