Abner Mikva, the former Chicago congressman, federal judge and White House
counsel to President Bill Clinton, puts a 21st-century twist on the notion that
Clinton was "the nation's first black president."
"I think when this is all over, people are going to say that Barack Obama is
the first Jewish president," he said.
Mikva, a powerful figure in local and national Democratic politics for
decades, was one of Sen. Obama's early admirers, beginning in 1990 when he tried
to hire the brilliant student and first black president of the Harvard Law
Review for a coveted clerkship. (Obama turned him down, saying he was going to
move to Chicago and run for public office. "I thought that showed a lot of
chutzpah on his part," Mikva says with a laugh.)
Since then,
Mikva's support for and nurturance of the presumptive Democratic presidential
nominee has never wavered. He is one of many influential Chicago Jews who have
been among Obama's earliest and most ardent backers.
One longtime Jewish observer of the political scene, who did not want to be
identified, said admiringly that "Jews made him. Wherever you look, there is a
Jewish presence."
Yet outside of Chicago, there has been a significant amount of Jewish
resistance to Obama's candidacy, although that may be lessening with Sen.
Hillary Clinton, a favorite among Jews, out of the picture.
The Jewish community has been a particular target of e-mails declaring Obama
a secret Muslim who attended a madrassa in Indonesia, took his Senate
oath of office by swearing on a Quran, and is aligned with Muslim terrorists.
Those allegations have been thoroughly disproven by mainstream media and other
sources. But even aside from the crackpot right, there is still distrust of the
Illinois senator from some Jewish quarters, much of it centering on Israel and
on some former and current advisors who are perceived to be unfriendly to the
Jewish state.
of the naysayers is Joel Sprayregen, a Chicago attorney who is a former chair of
the Jewish Community Relations Council and a current member of the executive
committee of JINSA, the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs.
"My skepticism about Obama derives from both his lack of experience and his
alignment up to recently with the far left," Sprayregen said while acknowledging
that the candidate "has moved more to the center once he secured the
Sprayregen believes that "a number" of Obama's foreign policy advisors "have
views which would jeopardize American national security. His association with
left-wing views and advisors gives me apprehension as to how firm his support
for Israel would be in a crisis," he said.
Obama is "baffled" by the resistance to him from some Jews, a key advisor,
former California Rep. Mel Levine, said recently, and has stepped up outreach
efforts to the Jewish community, including making a well-publicized trip to
Israel earlier this summer, his second visit to the Jewish state. Washington
correspondent James Besser, writing in The New York Jewish Week, declares that
the senator "is acting as if Jews hold the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."
In a way, they do. "The Jewish vote is important because of the states (Jews)
are in," Paul Green, a Roosevelt University professor and longtime political
maven, said. While Jews make up only about three percent of the national voting
public, they vote in greater proportion to their numbers than almost any other
group and are gathered in key states, particularly Florida, a swing state with
27 electoral votes, he said.
"That's the most interesting and important. The Jewish vote will matter the
most there," Green said. "New York, Illinois, California - they'll go for Obama.
But my guess is right now he has some work do with (Jews in) South Florida."
Levine, the Obama advisor, says that more than anything, the nominee-to-be
"wants people to realize what his record is and his closeness to the Jewish
community in Chicago."
That closeness can hardly be exaggerated.
Obama's Chicago Jewish roots "Some of my earliest and most ardent
supporters came from the Jewish community in Chicago," Obama told the Jewish
Telegraphic Agency in 2004, just after his keynote speech at the Democratic
National Convention had galvanized the party and made his name a household word
That was not hyperbole.
Obama first came to Chicago in 1985, after he graduated from Columbia
University, and spent three years in the city as a community organizer. In 1988,
he left for Harvard Law School, and in the same year met Newton Minow, a Jew and
a longtime Democratic powerbroker who served as chairman of the Federal
Communications Commission under President John F. Kennedy. He is currently
senior counsel at the Loop law firm of Sidley Austin.
Minow's daughter Martha ("She's not just Jewish, she's very very Jewish," her
father said) was a professor at Harvard Law School at the time. "She called me
in 1988 to say that the best student she ever had wanted to spend the summer in
Chicago and she wanted me to meet him," Minow relates. "I said what's his name,
and when she said 'Barack Obama,' I said, you gotta spell that."
Minow asked a partner in his firm to look up Obama when he visited the law
school. "He started to laugh," Minow said. "He said, we hired him already."
Obama worked at Sidley Austin as an intern that summer; the firm is where he
met attorney Michelle Robinson, and they married in 1992. Minow later offered
him a second internship followed by a permanent job, but Obama turned it down
because, he said, he was planning to go into public service or politics.
Minow and his wife have remained friends with the couple and supporters of
Obama's political career. "We introduced him to a lot of our friends and held
fund-raisers for him," Minow said. "We find him to be truly outstanding. If you
just look around, you can see he's got many many Jewish friends. He is very much
at home with Jewish people, their values and interests."
He believes that many in the Jewish community supported Clinton over Obama
because "they didn't know Barack Obama. They were not informed about him. They
had a loyalty over the years to the Clintons. It's not that they were negative
about Barack; they were just committed elsewhere."
Minow continues to actively support Obama's candidacy; a nephew serves as one
of his speechwriters.
In Chicago, meanwhile, the Obamas settled in Hyde Park and Obama became a
popular lecturer at the University of Chicago law school. Abner Mikva, whom
Obama already knew from Washington, also taught there, and the two renewed their
acquaintance and became close. "We would have lunch and breakfast together and
talk about a lot of things, different issues," Mikva said.
Through Project Vote, a voter registration drive that Obama worked on in
1992, he met two key future supporters, both Jewish. One was David Axelrod, a
former Chicago Tribune reporter and chief consultant to Chicago mayors Harold
Washington and Richard M. Daley who has been Obama's chief strategist since
The other
is a largely behind-the-scenes champion who has been there since the beginning
of Obama's political career and played a quietly crucial - perhaps the most
crucial - role in it. She is Bettylu Saltzman, a longtime liberal activist whose
father, Philip Klutznick, was a legendary Chicago developer, Jewish leader and
statesman who served as secretary of commerce in the Carter administration and
played a leading role in the development of the State of Israel.
Saltzman recalled that when she first met the 30-year-old Obama, "I don't
know what I saw, but others saw it too. I'm impressed by the numbers of people
who said the same thing. He was clearly brilliant and articulate. I don't know
what it was, but there was something about him that was clearly destined to be
something very special."
She was working in Bill Clinton's presidential campaign at the time and,
perhaps because she was thinking in presidential mode, "I immediately thought,
he's going to be president some day. I said to my husband and to a lot of other
people, he is going to be our first black president. Why I don't know, but I
will never ever forget it."
Later, she said, as she got to know Obama, "I would sort of tease him about
it. I always said to him, this is what I think is going to happen, and I think
in his own mind he always thought that was what he was going to be, too."
While Saltzman said she "never thought about (her support) Jewishly," she
added that "obviously I'm not going to support someone who is opposed to Israel
and what it stands for. He's right on all the issues when it comes to Israel.
He's in exactly the same place (Hillary) Clinton is, maybe even stronger. He's a
clearer thinker."
She was also impressed with Michelle Obama and says that "we could have two
great people in the White House."
Saltzman supported Obama during his campaign for the state Senate, which he
won in 1996, and in his failed bid for Congress against Bobby Rush in 2000. And
when Obama was contemplating a U.S. Senate run in 2002, she introduced him to a
group of powerful Chicago women who call themselves the Ladies Who Lunch. Many
became his supporters.
The following year, Saltzman may have played an even more crucial role in
Obama's political rise when she asked him to speak at a downtown Chicago rally
against the Iraq war that she was organizing. The speech he gave there became
famous, and Obama's early opposition to the war served as a centerpiece of his
primary campaign for president.
Saltzman has remained a supporter and now devotes her time to Obama's
presidential campaign. "What he did in his early life in Chicago proved that he
has a great commitment to people who are less well off," she said, adding that
she is encouraged by how many young people are working to get out the vote for
him. "People don't always understand the fact that he thinks so clearly," she
said. "He is deliberative but not indecisive." And as for Israel, "I think his
(recent) trip to the Middle East proved how well accepted he was there."
Meanwhile, after he finished his work with Project Vote, Obama took a job at
a civil rights law firm, Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, led by Judson
Miner, a well-known Chicago civil rights attorney and Mayor Harold Washington's
former counsel. Miner said he met Obama when he read an article in the paper
about Obama's wanting to join "a silk stocking law firm." He called Obama, Obama
called him back and Miner's young son answered the phone. "He said a guy called
me with a very funny name," Miner related. "I had forgotten all about him, but
just by chance I called him back."
They agreed to meet and have lunch. Afterwards, "I called my wife and told
her I just had lunch with the most impressive person I've ever met," Miner said.
"He was truly extraordinary in all sorts of ways. He had a unique comfort with
who he was and no pretenses. He was not trying to impress you with who he was.
He had a lot of questions and wanted to talk seriously about things he was
giving a lot of thought to."
Obama worked for Miner's firm for close to 10 years in two different
stretches. When he decided to take time off to run for the state Senate, Miner
said, a telling incident occurred. Under a fairly common arrangement, Obama
planned to work for the firm part-time while serving in the Senate, considered
by many to be a part-time job, and Miner agreed to pay him.
"On about his third day in Springfield, he called me up and said, Judd, this
is unfair to you guys. I'm going to be putting in a lot more time than I thought
I was going to, and I wouldn't feel right about being paid" by the law firm,
Miner related.
Today, Miner is a firm supporter of his former employee's presidential bid.
"He has plenty of life experiences that have sensitized him to the things that
matter most," he said. "He has enormous self confidence but it is not arrogance.
He is not a person who feels he has to hide things. He has very strong views but
is very flexible."
Obama's "great strengths" are that he is "most comfortable dealing with
people who he respects, who he thinks are dealing with him as equals, are
sharing their true opinions. He is not interested in people who are yes men,"
Miner said.
"I don't know a blemish the guy has. We had many conversations about how do
you engage in what you care about professionally while balancing your family
obligations and commitment, and he has been quite successful in working it all
out. He would be very effective in anything he wanted to do," he said.
Working at Miner's firm introduced Obama to many in the city's liberal
community, and during his state Senate tenure, he gained other supporters,
including Illinois Sen. Ira Silverstein, an Orthodox Jew who shared an office
with him in Springfield. They also shared carpooling duties when both their
children attended the secular pre-nursery at Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School.
When they first met, Obama "never knew what an Orthodox Jew was," Silverstein
said. Although his Hyde Park district had a large Jewish community, there were
few Orthodox Jews. "Down there (in Springfield) on the Sabbath, he didn't
understand my restrictions at first but he offered to help if I needed anything.
He was very respectful and curious to find out. We talked about religion a lot.
He is a very religious person," he said.
Silverstein continues to support Obama and said he is disturbed that "there
is lot of bad information out there, a lot of miscommunication, misinformation
that has been proved false" about the senator. He said he and Obama often shared
their pro-Israel feelings and that when Silverstein sponsored numerous
resolutions condemning PLO bombings, Obama eagerly signed on as a co-sponsor.
"I know him," he said. "People can read what they want to in the press, but I
know him personally and I can testify to" his pro-Israel views. "That's
different than hitting a blog," he said. "If people don't want to listen to me
they don't have to, but there's a lot of hearsay out there."
In the state Senate, he said, Obama impressed him by his ability to work with
the Republicans when the Democrats were the minority party, and by his ability
to "bring people together."
Rabbi Arnold Jacob
Wolf, rabbi emeritus of KAM Isaiah Israel Congregation and a legendary Hyde Park
liberal, is Obama's neighbor and longtime supporter. When Obama was running for
the state Senate, Wolf held a fund-raiser for him and told him that "some day
you will be the vice president of the United States. He said, why vice
president, then he laughed. But we were all thinking this guy isn't going to
stay in the state Senate."
"He moved across the street from a synagogue," KAM, he said. "He didn't have
to do that."
In fact, Obama even has a Jew in his mishpocheh, albeit on his wife's
side. Rabbi Capers Funnye, the spiritual leader of Beth Shalom B'nai
Zaken-Agudath Achim Congregation on Chicago's South Side is Michelle Obama's
cousin - her grandfather and the rabbi's mother were sister and brother.
Funnye, an enthusiastic supporter of Obama's presidential bid, said he met
him before the couple married and "thought it was a good match." Later he worked
with Obama when he was in the state Senate and Funnye was the director of a
South Side youth services center and found him helpful and "always reachable."
"Despite some of the things that have been said, I certainly believe (Obama)
has a genuine affinity for the State of Israel and the Jewish people," Rabbi
Funnye said. "I'm hopeful that the broader Jewish community and the rest of the
country will simply grow to understand they have nothing to fear from Obama on
the State of Israel and Jewish issues in general."
His own congregation is "extremely supportive," and, he said, "throughout the
black Jewish community in the United States, there's great enthusiasm and
support for his candidacy. This is a historic moment in time in the history of
our country." If Obama is elected president, "I think we will have achieved the
ideals for which this country really stands," he said.
When Obama ran for the Senate in 2004, he had not yet visited Israel - one
scheduled trip coincided with the birth of his daughter - but he has since been
there twice, in 2006 and earlier this summer. Michael Kotzin, executive vice
president of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, was along on the
January, 2006 trip, part of the federation's "ongoing agenda to help public
officials better understand Israel," he said. (The organization is nonpartisan.)
On the trip, "we exposed him to aspects of Israel that might not otherwise be
noted, aspects where this community and the federation are actively engaged," he
said. The senator discussed Ethiopian aliyah with the head of the Jewish Agency
"to understand aliyah, how basic that is to Israel," Kotzin said, and visited an
Israeli-Arab-Christian village, among other sites.
The visit "gave him insights into Israeli life and society that are not
commonly known, and that registered for him when he gave his main speech in
Chicago on Israel and the Middle East," he said. "He ended up talking about the
trip he took and how he connected with aspects of the Israeli population and
people and understanding the importance of Israel to our community."
longtime Chicago supporter, philanthropist, community leader and member of one
of Chicago's Jewish royal families, Lester Crown, has known Obama since his
first days in Chicago, when Minow called Crown and "said we have in our office a
young man who I think is really going places, and I'd like you to meet him."
Crown has been a supporter ever since; his son James heads Obama's Illinois
financial campaign.
Crown said that despite Obama's "rock-star, amazing popularity," he has not
changed fundamentally in all the years they have known each other. "He's the
same person, even though there are tremendous pressures on him. In the last six
or eight months, he hasn't gotten a swelled head. If he ever got a little bit of
one, his wife would bring him back in two minutes." Michelle Obama, he said, is
"absolutely brilliant."
Crown said he is "bothered" by portions of the Jewish community that express
concerns, particularly, about Obama's position on Israel. "From the time I met
him, the times we talked about Israel, and we talked about it several times, he
has been an ardent backer of Israel's defense position, Israel's security
position," he said. "He has been a proponent of the two-state solution, but only
on the hopes that you will have a demilitarized peaceful Palestinian entity,
which you do not have now."
Most important, Crown said, is that "knowing him long before he got into
politics, I know he is completely supportive, without any question or
equivocation, of Israel's security. He is only interested (in a two-state
solution) if Israel's security is absolutely assured, and that was his position
long before he ever went into politics. His speeches to AIPAC are not new
positions, merely the vocalization of what he has always believed," he said.
The doubters Not everyone in the Jewish community agrees.
Jewish criticism of Obama - aside from the lunatic fringe that still harps on
his middle name, Hussein, and supposed Muslim "credentials" - centers on four
factors: his positions on Israel, several of his foreign policy advisors, his
foreign policy inexperience and his apparent willingness as president to talk to
the Iranian regime. His domestic agenda is little mentioned in these debates.
Soloff, area director of the nonpartisan American Jewish Committee, said that is
natural since "the Jewish community is passionate about many things but
particularly about Israel. People for whom Israel is the issue or the primary
issue look with a magnifying glass at everything a candidate says or does. The
nature of campaigning in America makes it difficult for any candidate to hold up
to that kind of scrutiny."
In addition, she said, "Jews are well educated, they're readers, there are
many Jewish bloggers, all of which means the amount of information that comes
out about a candidate, there is tremendously more information coming out than
there has been in the past."
In such an environment, "people tend to shrei (Yiddish for yell) a
little bit louder to get their voices heard," she said. "In terms of this
election, Obama's youth and his newness also has put him under greater scrutiny
than candidates who have been in the public eye for much longer and have longer
records of action as well as words."
Even former Israeli cabinet minister Natan Sharansky has expressed his
concerns, telling a Shalom TV interviewer that Obama has no record on foreign
policy and that an Obama presidency would be a "risk" for Israel.
Closer to home,
Rabbi Victor Weissberg, a local Israel activist and chair of To Protect Our
Heritage PAC, which works to promote a closer alliance between the United States
and Israel, said Obama is "flawed.
"He is suddenly forced to become specific and not use a lot of gloss words
like change; that isn't working for him any more," he said. "He's a very bright
fellow but he's sort of a hollow man, and America really needs somebody of
substance who will say what he means and won't change," he said. Obama has
changed his position on offshore oil drilling and other issues, he said. "We're
not dummies, we can think straight," he said. "The people who are going to lead
us need to think straight too and not shoot their doggone mouths off."
"At the AIPAC conference, he was a wow." Weissberg said. "He had people
standing up on their seats cheering. He has tried to say all the right things
about Israel, but because he flip-flops, people are really at sixes and sevens
with themselves about him. Israelis think he's not the right candidate at the
right time for their situation. We were there for Pesach and almost unanimously
they were in favor of (presumptive Republican nominee John) McCain."
Polls have, indeed, shown that McCain is perceived in Israel as a staunch
friend of the Jewish state, and that some Israelis have been wary of Obama's
statement, during a meeting with Jewish leaders in Cleveland in February, that
"there is a strain within the pro-Israel community that says unless you adopt an
unwavering pro-Likud approach to Israel that you're anti-Israel."
One Israeli
native and longtime Chicagoan, attorney and community activist Chaya Gil, said
she is "definitely worried" about an Obama presidency, for several reasons.
One is the candidate's "very close intimate relationship" with the Rev.
Jeremiah Wright, his longtime pastor who gained notoriety for his inflammatory
statements and is widely perceived to be anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. Obama
denounced Wright earlier this year and eventually severed his ties with him and
his church.
"Wright doesn't love America, he speaks against his country and he said awful
things about Israel. He's no good for the Jewish community and it's not good
that he is the role model for Obama," Gil said. She said that when Obama said he
wasn't aware of some of Wright's positions, "he was lying. There is a character
In addition, she said, Obama "said he will talk to Iran and other countries.
That says to me that he will be manipulated by Iran and others."
She said she is also concerned about Obama's relationships with some advisors
perceived to be anti-Israel, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security
advisor in the Carter administration; Samantha Power, a Pulitzer Prize-winning
author and lecturer at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
University, who was forced to leave the Obama campaign after making a derogatory
remark about Hillary Clinton but is said to still be advising him; and Robert
Malley, another Clinton administration advisor.
Gil's worries parallel those of right-wing media outlets that have recently
taken aim at the advisors. Brzezinski was perceived as unfriendly to Israel
during the Carter administration and, more recently, initially endorsed the
views of Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, authors of articles and a book
blaming the pro-Israel lobby for American foreign policy failures. They are
anathema to most Jews. Brzezinski later said their book overstated its case.
Power has drawn the ire of Israel activists because of her stinging criticism
of Israel's first Lebanon War. Malley was perceived as blaming Israel for the
breakdown of the U.S.-brokered Israeli-Palestinian talks at Camp David in the
summer of 2000, which he attended as a senior adviser to President Clinton.
Another frequent target of conservative bloggers has been George Soros, the
billionaire philanthropist who has often been critical of Israel's policies. He
has contributed to the Obama campaign.
The campaign has said that the three advisors, who are among hundreds, have a
peripheral role in the campaign and do not advise Obama on Middle East policy.
Soros, although he has donated to Obama, has no role in the campaign, an Obama
spokesperson has said.
Gil said that Obama "has put these people on ice lately, hushed up their
relationship. But they're not dead, they will pop up the minute he's elected."
Israelis, she said, although they were impressed with him during his recent
visit to the Jewish state, "know he is not coming in good faith."
She said that "at a time of pressure," Obama "loses his balance. He is very
good when he is prepared, but once in a while he is asked a question that he
does not expect, and he stutters. He would say whatever suits him."
Another Israeli-born Chicagoan, who did not want to be identified, said she
is "very very uncomfortable" with Obama, "not because he is not a good man" but
because "he knows very little about Israel."
She added that she doesn't believe Obama has enough experience to be able to
run the country in difficult times. "If you ask me, we need a strong person who
can move things around to what they used to be, a strong America, a great
Israel," she said. That person is not Obama, she said.
Much of the
concern over Obama's perceived anti-Israel advisors has been spurred by Richard
Baehr, the chief political correspondent of the American Thinker, an online
conservative magazine that Jewish Telegraphic Agency political correspondent Ron
Kampeas calls "the principle redoubt of Obama-Israel skepticism."
In a recent phone conversation, Baehr, who is a member of the Republican
Jewish Coalition, reiterated his concerns about Brzezinski, Power and Malley,
calling them "Jimmy Carter retreads."
"If you have one or two bad apples, OK, but this team is full of them from
top to bottom," Baehr said. "This is what the pro-Israel community is most
nervous about."
Kampeas, the JTA correspondent, writes that "much, if not the vast majority,
of the material targeting Obama's advisors is distorted and even false," and
many Jewish Obama supporters agree.
One, former
Chicagoan Gidon "Doni" Remba, president and co-founder of the Jewish Alliance
for Change, which advocates for Obama in the Jewish community, has dedicated his
Web site and newsletter to rebutting what he calls "lies that are spreading
virally. A lot of Jews are getting concerned on the basis of a fear and smear
campaign, and they're not looking at the facts. This is politics at its worst,"
he said in a recent conversation.
He said that information in the American Thinker by Baehr and Northbrook's Ed
Lasky "looks like a very serious essay, but it is all based on distortions,
misleading information, twisting statements, statements taken out of context and
downright false information."
For instance, Remba said, Brzezinski "was not an advisor to Obama on Israel,
just somebody who had a couple of conversations with him about Iraq." (The Obama
campaign confirmed that neither Brzezinski, Power nor Malley advised Obama on
Israel-related issues.)
"The critics ignore the fact that McCain had as much or more of a
relationship with these same anti-Israel advisors. McCain said he would consider
appointing seasoned hands, people like Brzezinski and James Baker (secretary of
state for the first President Bush). Obama said he would never consider using
Baker. People ignore that.
"The most prominent smear is that he is secretly not pro-Israel, but
everything he has done and said, his entire record of years of public life, all
the legislation he sponsored is pro-Israel," Remba said, accusing Obama's Jewish
detractors of "bringing up very tangential things and twisting them in such as
way as to arouse people's fears.
"I saw it in my own family," he said. "A lot of Jews, they are getting these
e-mails. I got them from my uncle, my cousins, my family in Israel and other
parts of the country. People are saying, is this true? Their fears have been
On the Israel question, some Jews see the fact that Dennis Ross, President
Clinton's Middle East envoy and chief negotiator who served in both Democratic
and Republican administrations, is advising Obama on Israel as a reassuring
sign. Joy Malkus, research director for the Joint Action Committee for Political
Affairs, a Chicago-based political action committee that supports Israel,
church-state separation and reproductive choice, said members of the PAC "are
comfortable with where (Obama) stands as far as Israel is concerned. Especially
now that Dennis Ross has come to work for him, we have no concerns whatsoever as
far as his position on Israel goes." The PAC has endorsed Obama but will not be
supporting him financially because he is not accepting money from PACs.
Malkus said the PAC decided to support Obama because "McCain's voting record
(on Israel) is perfect so there's no reason to think he would not be excellent
on Israel but he does not meet our domestic criteria."
She said she thinks some Jews are uncomfortable with Obama because of his
shorter voting record, but said that "I find it disappointing. I don't think you
can just base (your vote) on the length of a voting record. He's surrounding
himself with people who care about moving the process forward and having a
two-state solution that works. If people have questions, they should look back
at what (Dennis) Ross has written. He is quite a strong person to have in your
corner." The PAC, she said, is "strongly in favor of the U.S. facilitating
whatever is necessary to move the peace process forward, and that's where Obama
stands on Israel."
Baehr counters such arguments from Jewish supporters. "I don't see the fact
that some major scions of the Jewish community support (Obama) as meaning he is
pro-Israel," he said. "In the Senate, he has behaved more traditionally and
signed on to most resolutions that AIPAC would consider pro-Israel. But now and
then something slips out." He cited a 2004 interview in which Obama was critical
of the Israeli security wall and his more recent statement, to Cleveland Jewish
leaders, that being pro-Israel doesn't mean being pro-Likud.
"I don't think an American president should decide who he should be for in
the Israeli government," Baehr said. "His view of being pro-Israel doesn't mean
being sympathetic to the elected leaders of the Israeli people. That's a
difficult position to put yourself in."
He said another "bothersome factor" is that people in Obama's Hyde Park
neighborhood said "he wasn't reticent about arguing that American policy is too
pro-Israel and needed more balance. The general perception is that he was a
Palestinian sympathizer. That doesn't mean he is hostile to Jews or Israel but
he is not a strong Israel supporter.
"Now he's saying all the right things and voting the right way, but there are
a whole bunch of little threads out there that make people nervous," Baehr said.
"Nobody questioned whether McCain or Hillary (Clinton) was pro-Israel, but with
Obama, there are questions."
Joel Sprayregen, the Chicago attorney and Israel activist, said that he
worries about Obama's lack of experience, his foreign policy advisors, and "the
fact that he was so wrong on the surge in Iraq," which Obama opposed. Many
Americans believe that the added troop deployment known as the surge has made
Iraq safer.
Sprayregen said that while he is encouraged that so many thoughtful and
committed Jews are in Obama's camp, he believes that "Jews still tend to vote
Democratic in knee-jerk fashion thinking they're still voting for FDR's New
Deal. Too many Jews do not take into account the fact that President Bush has
been enormously supportive of Israel. I think we have no better guide than
(Connecticut senator) Joe Lieberman, a true liberal on domestic issues, as to
which of his senatorial colleagues is more qualified to be commander-in-chief."
Lieberman is supporting McCain.
The supporters If Obama has a way to go to garner solid Jewish
support in other parts of the country, in Chicago it seems solid and growing.
Some of his champions are longtime friends like Rabbi Wolf of KAM, who
worries that Jews who don't know Obama think of him as "remote." "It may be the
Muslim element in his background, it may be that he's black. Jews are like
everybody else, they have some questions about a black president," Wolf said.
But he may understand Obama's background better than most. When people ask
him if Obama is "tough enough," he says, "When you come up in Chicago politics,
you better be tough."
He believes Obama is "very cautious. Whenever we talked about issues, I would
always be more radical than he. He listened a lot but said very little. He'll
listen and listen and you don't always know what he thinks. He knows as much as
any of us about the Middle East, and he hasn't said a word about the
Palestinians that President Bush hasn't already said."
Many Jews may have been more friendly to Hillary Clinton, he said, because
"she is more of a known quantity. You know, the Jews can't stand not to worry.
Nobody (in politics) is against Israel, they can't afford to be, why should they
be? He knows more than most people do about the (Middle East) situation, but
he's going to go very cautiously and not do anything that shakes up the Jewish
community. I'm not sure I agree with that, but that's what's going to happen."
He would advise Obama to "make his Jewish supporters more visible. He could
mention them, put them forward, be proud of the Jewish community's support."
The rabbi's own feeling is that Obama is "sort of Jewish in a way. His
overachieving is Jewish, his intellectualism is Jewish, even his charisma has a
Jewish side. Maybe I feel it more strongly than others do, but I feel like he's
one of us.
"I like McCain too, but he ain't one of us," he added.
One of Obama's most ardent Chicago supporters is Jack S. Levin, an attorney
practicing international law and a longtime community activist who said he is
not a Democrat but an independent who "supports candidates I think are superior.
I am not a down-the-line Democrat or Republican and I don't support mediocre
candidates. I support Barack because I think he would be best for our country,"
he said.
Levin has known Obama for more than 15 years, since Levin served on the
Harvard Law School Visiting Committee and met the young law student. "Members of
the Visiting Committee don't typically take much note of students, but he was
outstanding, an absolutely standout student," he said.
He became reacquainted with Obama when he served in the Illinois Senate and
sponsored legislation that would help to create jobs by bringing more private
equity and venture capital to the state, one of Levin's areas of expertise. He
continued to be so impressed with Obama that now he serves on his campaign
finance, tax policy, Jewish community and Middle East committees.
He calls Obama "a brilliant, far-thinking, organized, thoughtful super kind
of person. He has wonderful thoughts and ideas and he soaks up experiences in
moments that it would take other people years to get. He is jumping in knowledge
year by year. His grasp of ideas and concepts and ability to understand what
other people are thinking is wonderful."
Having served in the office of the Solicitor General in Washington, Levin
said he has many friends who have worked in the White House, and believes that
"the most important attribute of a president is the ability to think, reason,
absorb information and make decisions when there is conflicting advice, and
Obama is just terrific at that.
"You can give all the speeches you want to about how you would handle issues,
but (as president) 100 times a day things cross your desk that you had never
thought of, and (a president needs) a great ability to think and grasp, to do
the right thing, to analyze the conflicting advice being received and work it
out and say, this is the course we should take.
"No one is as good as Obama at hearing conflicting views, thoughts, advice
and ideas, at looking at a complex problem and implementing solutions," he said.
Levin said he does much international travel and what those trips have shown
him is that "our country has turned into a pariah on the world stage. For the
last few years, our leaders have not been people who could interrelate well with
other world leaders. We are reviled, not respected."
Obama, he said, "is going to be the closest there is to someone who is able
to restore some modicum of respect internationally."
Levin said he has worked with Obama for years on many issues and that the
senator has always been a strong supporter of Israel.
As for Jewish community support, he said that "here in Chicago, people know
him better than other places, and the vast majority of the Jewish leadership of
Chicago support him wholeheartedly. We know he would be best for Israel and for
the United States. I think it is an issue of Obama getting better known in
Florida, New York and other places where the Jewish community hasn't yet had the
opportunity to touch hands with him and realize how wise and capable he is and
how strongly he supports Israel."
Why the distrust? A number of Obama's Jewish supporters have set
about figuring out why some Jews - especially in other states - are distrustful
of him. Abner Mikva said that the "unknown" factor is strong. Jews "were
distrustful of (John) Kerry, (Al) Gore, (Bill) Clinton before he ran, Jimmy
Carter, Lyndon Johnson. It goes all the way back. The first time I was
campaigning for John F. Kennedy, I stopped at somebody's door, a Jewish voter,
and he said, you know he's an anti-Semite. His father was, so he must be."
Another factor, Mikva said, is one that "always bothers and embarrasses me
about my co-religionists. A piece of our community still thinks of African
Americans as schvartzes - somehow not sufficiently educated or smart
enough to occupy the White House. All I can say to that is, they're wrong. I
think (Obama) will turn out to be one of the greatest presidents we've ever
He said he once tried to explain to Obama why some parts of the Jewish
community didn't support him. "I said, Barack, it wouldn't matter if your name
was Sholem Aleichem, there's some segments of the Jewish community you wouldn't
get. He said, well, my name is Baruch Obama." (During his 2004 campaign, Obama,
visiting a Jewish center for the aged in Boston, discussed the etymological
relationship of his first name, which means "blessed" in Swahili, to its Hebrew
counterpart, Baruch.)
On the racial issue, Remba, the president of the Jewish Alliance for Change,
agreed that "some people from an older generation have a very different
experience in their lives with black Americans than people even in their 40s and
50s. Middle-aged and younger people have grown up in integrated America and are
very comfortable and used to working with blacks, knowing them as friends and
neighbors, viewing them in a way that race doesn't matter."
To some people, including Jews, who grew up in an older era, "your whole
experience of black people is they come from the wrong side of the tracks,
they're associated with crime, with danger, they're poor, gang related. If your
whole experience of black people is the South Side of Chicago - not Hyde Park -
you would have a sort of fearful set of associations."
He said he believes some "holdover of these associations and biases" may be
in play with Obama's candidacy, but many Jews may be able to overcome it. "The
vast majority of Jews, including older Jews, can judge Obama as an individual,
an American, someone who has been so close to so many people in the Jewish
community of Chicago for so many years. When they get to see who he is, I hope
they'll put aside their fears," he said.
Those fears have been stoked by e-mails to pro-Israel activists warning that
if Obama is elected, Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will have prominent
places in his administration, as well as a cartoon published earlier this year
in the Israeli newspaper Maariv showing Obama painting the White House black.
Still most
of Obama's Jewish supporters believe it is the Israel issue, not racial
politics, that may be keeping some Jews from endorsing him. Alan Solow, a
Chicago attorney, community leader and former chair of the Jewish Community
Relations Council who has known Obama for many years, said he would like to put
those fears to rest.
He has known Obama since both lived in Hyde Park and began actively
supporting him during his U.S. Senate bid. "Working on his behalf, I had the
opportunity to have many discussions with him on a wide range of issues," he
said. "I have always been delighted with the way he approaches problems and I've
become more impressed as time has gone on."
On the Israel question, Solow said Obama's entire public policy approach,
statements and votes "all consistently point to a position that is very helpful
to strengthening the relationship between the U.S. and Israel. There isn't one
single action or vote that anyone can point to that would cast any doubt on what
his position would be," he said.
Beyond foreign policy, Solow said, "I think his positions are much more
consistent with the vast majority of the Jewish community - the right to choose,
separation of church and state, social justice issues generally. The Jewish
community ought to be looking at those issues as well." He said that although
many Jews don't feel they know Obama as well as they do Hillary Clinton or John
McCain, he has a "long consistent record" of pro-Israel support. "People should
look at what his record is and not say, we still don't know," he said.
On the question of inexperience, Obama's old friend Ira Silverstein said,
"Look, McCain has been around longer, but we've had President Bush in there and
he was a governor, the head of a major league baseball team, and look at our
economy. I've seen (Obama) work in the Senate. I've seen him. He can bring
people together. I know him personally. Leadership? I can testify to it."
Another old friend, Rabbi Wolf, gives another kind of testimony. Obama, he
says, is "embedded in the Jewish world." |
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