Friday, 14 December 2012

The Commonwealth Jewish Congress

Yet another International Jewish group, think anyone else can have groups like them?

The Council was founded, following a Jewish conference held in London, in 1982 by 16 Jewish leaders from Commonwealth countries. Today, the Commonwealth Jewish Council works with unique Jewish communities from 37 countries, with Hong Kong and Zimbabwe holding observer statuses.

Our objectives are:

  • To provide links between Commonwealth Jewish communities.
  • To provide a central representative voice for the Commonwealth Jewish communities in matters of concern to those communities within the family of the Commonwealth and in particular for the preservation of their religious and cultural heritage.
  • To seek ways to strengthen Commonwealth Jewish communities in accordance with their special needs and wishes; and to provide mutual help and co-operation.
  • To work in concert and association with the World Jewish Congress.
The Council’s headquarters are in London. Each member country nominates its President or other leader to serve as its representative Vice-President on the Council.
The work of the Council is funded by donations and subscriptions.
Registered since the 27th July 1983 (No. 287564)

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