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LICRA (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism) started as 'The League against Pogroms' in 1927 after the Jew Sholom Schwartzbart had murdered the Ukrainian national hero and enemy of the Bolsheviks in Paris in 1926. It then became LICA (League against Anti-Semitism) but changed name in 1979 to the present LICRA, in order to take full advantage of the cornerstone anti-racist law enacted in France in 1972. It took 51 years, before LICA found out that it missed the word 'racism' in its name. League for Human Rights (La Ligue des Droits de l'Homme) was founded after the trial, sentencing, jailing and final acquittal of the Jewish officer Alfred Dreyfus. Founded in 1898. Staffed and supported heavily by Jews ever since. Jewish book burning: The Jewish / Zionist organization LICRA managed to have the first French edition of Israel Shamir's book Gallilea Flowers, in France published as L´Autre visage d´Israel burned. Gayssot Act The present ridiculous law in France which make it a punishable offense to even argue in favor of free historical research; the so called 'Loi Gayssot' (Gayssot Act) have been created according to Jewish wishes, pushed for by Jewish academics, like Pierre Vidal-Naquet, and some Jewish propagandists, like Serge Klarsfeld and Georges Wellers. The proces was supervised by Chief Rabbi René Samuel Sirat, proposed by the communist Parliament member Jean Claude Gayssot [not Jewish] and passed by the Jewish former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius, resulting in the infamous Fabius-Gayssot Act of July 13, 1990. Before the law was passed, 'anti-Semitic incidents' conveniently surfaced in a cemetery in Carpentras where Jewish graves were desecrated, according to a massive propaganda campaign, 'inspired by revisionist writings'. Rabbi Sirat also is the Director-Founder of the Unesco Chair "Reciprocal Knowledge of the religions of the Book and teaching of Peace". Just as in Britain and Denmark, the Jewish organizations rather join forces with islamic organizations and hold dialogues with islamists than solidarizing themselves with organizations which represent the indigenous populations, this goes for Rabbi Sirat as well. Breaking the law is punished by heavy fines and jail time. A peculiar detail is that the heavy fines in the 10,000 Euro range often are handed out to the 'injured party'; the organization or organizations who filed the complaint. This means that there is direct financial gain to be had for the 'anti racist', and most often Jewish organizations for accusing and persecuting people for 'thought crimes'. Under this law the French Nationalist Jean Marie Le Pen was fined 10,000 Euro's and a suspended sentence of 3 month in jail, for having said only that the German occupation of France had not been especially inhumane, compared to the occupation of other countries such as Poland. In France the courts try to avoid jail time when it comes to sentencing 'holocaust deniers' (everybody who says anything deemed improper by Jewish organizations) to avoid too much public uproar and sympathy for the victims, and prefers to break down dissidents financially and socially, by heavy fines, stripping people of their jobs, impounding of possessions, and a whole arsenal of chicaneries, such as searches and repeated police interviews. The French politician and member of the European Parliament Bruno Maigret was fired from his job as a professor at the University of Lyon, stripped from his titles, and ordered to pay a fine of about 5.000 Euro and 'compensation' of 50.000 Euro to Jewish organizations, for having argued for free historical research, without having mentioned, doubted or denied specifics, like the number of Jewish victims of 'the holocaust' or the existance of gaschambers. Law to cover up social unrest and the failure of multiculturalism A law has been passed in March 2007, which criminalizes everybody but accredited reporters from the press when filming or photographing episodes of civil unrest, like the much publicized riots in the suburbs of French cities, where immigrant youth aided by criminal immigrant gangs torched thousands of cars and other property and engaged in fights with the police. This law was promoted by the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, son of Hungarian / Jewish immigrants. The purpose of this law is obviously to enable the French government to remain in control of the media coverage, and if necessary downplay the seriousness of the violent incidents in the 'banlieux'; the immigrant ghetto's in the suburbs in order not to jeopardize the 'multicultural' ideal. Sarkozy wanted to lay guilt trip on innocent children The same Sarkozy has proposed that all 10 year old school children should 'adopt the memory' of a Jewish child murdered during 'the holocaust'. This proposal came under heavy criticism from the left wing senator Jean-Luc Melenchon, Gilles Moindrot, general secretary of the Union Snuipp-FSU, and a spokesperson of the childrens rights organization EMDH, but was supported by the Socialist Party leader Francois Hollande, who is also said to be of Jewish heritage1), and is married to Selegene Royal, Sarkozy's socialist rival during the presidential elections. Since 2007 also criticism of homosexuality resorts under the French hatespeech laws. The Jewish organizations were a main obstacle for anti-immigrationalist Jean Marie Le Pen in the past. (e.g. LICRA, Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l'antisemitisme)
1) Is Hollande really of Jewish
The information about Francois Hollande having a Jewish
background comes from:
Armenian Diaspora News Forum > April 2007 > The
Jewish Vote And The French Election - The Jerusalem Report April 2, 2007 by
Nicholas Simon
The orginal url to the article is - Page not loading
at this moment.
But you can now also read it here: The
Jewish Vote And The French Election - The Jerusalem Report April 2, 2007
2012 Newly elected François Hollande's current partner is Valérie Trierweiler (Born Massonneau) who got her current last name from former Jewish husband Dennis Trierweiler. Supposedly also Hollande continues to take advice from the French/Jewish, Algerian born Zionist Bernard-Henri Lévi. Consequently he (has said he) will continue the policy of military intervention in the Middle-East with the current target; Syria and President al-Assad. Jewish Mentors
Interesting detail; Sarkozy has the Zionist Jewish
extremist; French/Jewish/North-African philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévi as a close private
advisor who joins him on official state business (I used to call this function
'Geheimrat')- Hollande also has a Jewish mentor, though apparently not a
Zionist. His name is Edgar Morin (real name Edgar Nahoum), a
former (?) Communist, and he is not particulairly liked by Zionist activists
such as the infamous Manfred Gerstenfeld. [Danish article about
France - Elections 2012 ? The Jews of the UMP (Sarkozy's party) Links: |
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